
CEEPUS programme

CEEPUS programme provides exchange scholarships to students and teaching staff for credit mobility, shorter stays, teaching activities and summer schools at large number of universitites from 15 countries of Central and Southeastern Europe.


CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies) is Central European exchange programme for students and teaching staff based in Vienna, Austria. The exchange is mostly done within CEEPUS networks. They focus on particular scientific area and consist of at least three higher education institutions from at least two member countries. Apart from network mobility (for students and staff from the HE institutions that are part of the specific network), there are also possibilities for freemover mobility.

Application procedure

The application deadline for network mobilities in winter semester is June 15th each year, while the application deadline for summer semester is October 31st each year.
Apart from these two deadlines, there is a special application for freemover applications –November 30th each year.
Applications are made electronically via website – each applicant must first register a free CEEPUS account.

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