Higher education
All higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia have to be accredited.
National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia (NEAQA)
In order to carry out tasks related to the accreditation and quality evaluation of higher education institutions and their individual units, as well as those related to the evaluation of study programmes, a separate working body called the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia was established.
NEAQA regularly publishes decisions on accreditation of institutions and study programmes on its website, as well as a Guide for Students (in Serbian) which contains information about the accreditation of higher education institutions and their study programmes.
Accrediation by National Council for Higher Education (appeal procedure)
The institutions which applied for accreditation (institutional accreditation or study progammes accrediataion) and were rejected by NEAQA could submit an appeal to the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and could be accredited by NCHE in accordance with the Council's jurisdiction. Those institutions and programmes are clearly marked as accredited by NCHE in the learning opportunities database Education.rs).
Branch units and accreditation
In case of branch units (e.g. units in other towns) it is highly important to check whether the concrete unit is accredited for the realization of that concrete study programme. All such units, that have accreditation and the programmes they have accreditation for (since they do not necessarily have the accreditation for all programmes of their parent institution) are listed in the NEAQA Guide as well as in this learning opportunities database. In other cases, if those programmes are not clearly listed in these two sources of information, it is highly likely to be the case of institutions or programmes without accrediation.
Information on this website
This website contains only the information on accredited study programmes on accredited higher education institutions. The pages for each programme or institution contain the information about the year of last accreditation as well as previous cycles of accreditation (if any).