
Faculty of International Economics

Faculty of International Economics provides education in the fields of geoeconomics and regional studies, as well as international economics and finance.

Faculty of International Economics enrolls students at three levels of studies:
1. Undergraduate academic studies, four years
2. Master studies, one year
3. PhD studies, three years
Undergraduate academic studies provide theoretical and practical knowledge on the chosen regions and on international economics and finance. Faculty of International Economics enrolls students at two four-year undergraduate academic programmes: Geoeconomics and regional studies and International economics and finance.
Faculty has cooperation with University and Research Institute ‘Ortega y Gasset -  Madrid, Economic University - Bratislava, University of Pecs, University Primorska - Kopar, Western University from Temisoara, Free Medditerannean University – LUM and many others.

Parent institutionMegatrend University
Institution typeFaculty
RegionBelgrade District
Established in1999

Last accreditation in 2015 by Comission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Previous accreditation cycle(s): 2009

Contact for foreign students


Institution titleCity

Faculty of International Economics - unit in Valjevo

Branch unit in Valjevo

Source of info:

Institution's website
Comission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance Guide for Students

Megatrend University

Faculty of International Economics

Fakultet za međunarodnu ekonomiju
Булевар уметности 29
11070 Beograd
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